
website health checker, lead collector , ad ready

SideDoctor can check your website's health status within a minute. Follow the suggestion provided by the SiteDoctor and make your site more SEO friendly. SiteDoctor will analysis all metrics of your website such as title, description, keyword, tag,  page size, page speed, server status, compression status, mobile friendly status, image/css/javacript status and many more  other important metrics of your website.
It has built in support for 11 languages and you can add any language easily.
Awesome website will be provided and system collects emails of your visitors. Mailchimp is also integrated.
There are total 6 spaces for showing advertises. You can control wheather you want to want to show adertise or not as well as collect email or not through powerful admin panel with many more settings. You will also get awesome dashboard with visitor tracking feature.
Health check metrics:
Server Configuration

[Note: If you get "404 page not found" error then make AllowOverride in your virual host and check if .htaccess file is uploaded successfully in root or not]

Installation Manual
  1. Download .zip package
  2. Upload it to your server
  3. Extract the package
  4. Run the uploaded url via browser ( and you will find a interface to provide the settings for SiteDoctor:
    • Hostname : database host name / IP
    • Database Name : create a mysql database for SiteDoctor on your host and write that name here
    • Database username  : username of the created database
    • Database password : password of the created database
    • Sitedoctor Admin Panel Login Email: this will be used to login as admin
    • SiteDoctor Admin Panel Login Password : password to log in as admin
    • Language
    • Company Name and Company Address
    • Company Phone /  Mobile
  5. Click Install SiteDoctor Now Button
  6. You are done. Log in with your admin username and password and start using SiteDoctor.

Step 1 : Type website address and submit
Step 2:  Download PDF report/ Share report to social media
Step 3 :  Add competutor website
Step 4:  Download comparision PDF report / Share report to social media


Input website address (landing page)

Website health analyzing...


Health check report (share in social networks/ compare/ download PDF)



Comparivite Health check report (share in social networks/ download PDF)

Langing Page (hightlighting advertise sections)



Settings > General Settings

This is the place where you can change company information, logo,favicon, language, time zone, product name/version.


Settings > Google API Settings


Settings > System Email Settings - SMTP


Settings > Lead Settings


Settings > Advertisement Settings


There will be many visitors who check their sites and download pdf report files.The report leaves a copy in download/ folder. There is no meaning to keep these gurbage  files. To save space we have arranged deletion of junk files.

When a user search and download report from frontend, system collects the email and sync automatically to Mailchimp list. The collected leads are also displayed here. The data grid is searchable and exportable.

The health report are also shown in front end (only few rows). But, in admin panel you can see all the reports and can search by different parameters like website, only examined, examined and downladed, user email , date range. You can delete old history here also. The data grid will also show you the emails used to download the reports.

The comparive health report are also shown in front end (only few rows). But, in admin panel you can see all the reports and can search by different parameters like website,competutor website, only examined, examined and downladed, user email , date range. You can delete old history here also. The data grid will also show you the emails used to download the reports.

  1. Unique visitor
  2. Page viewyt
  3. Average stay time
  4. Average visit
  5. Bounce rate
  6. Traffic source
  7. Visitor type
  8. Country-wise report
  9. Browser report
  10. OS report
  11. Device report





Disclaimer: We are glad to provide our product in 11 different languages. You can select your language while Installation or you can change your language from General Settings. All the translations are performed by google translator. Also there are possibilities of human error. If there are any errors then we can not take the responsibility because firstly, we have no control over or knowledge on google's translation algorithm and secondly, our first language is Bengali & second language is English. So we were unable to correct errors for other languages than Bengali or English. You can correct any error or change any word if you like to (described below).

Change Any Built-in Language's Words/Sentences:

If you want to change words/sentences any of our built-in languages, you will find them in three places. Let you want to change Bengali language, then you will find Bengali language files in:

1. sitedoc/application/language/bengali/


example: admin_lang.php

$lang["company name"]               = "Your Value 1";
$lang["company address"]            = "Your Value 2";


2. sitedoc/plugins/grid/locale/bengali.js


    $.fn.pagination.defaults.beforePageText  = 'Value 1';
    $.fn.pagination.defaults.afterPageText     = ' Value 2 {pages}';
    $.fn.pagination.defaults.displayMsg         = 'Value 3 {total} Value 4 {from} Value 5 {to} Value 6';


3. sitedoc/plugins/grocery_crud/laguages/bengali.php


    $lang['list_add']                  = 'Value1';
    $lang['list_actions']             = 'Value2';
    $lang['list_page']                = 'Value3'; 


The files are php or js files. So, any syntax error during changing will affect the system. Please be careful when you change and backup original files before you change.


Add New Language
"my_lang"   =>array('country_code'=>'XX','label'=>'My Language')




Admin Panel:

Update - v1.5.3 to v1.5.4

1.Download v1.5.4

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.5.4:

3. Run the migration file via browser. Example link

4. Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.5.4

Update - v1.5.2 to v1.5.3

1.Download v1.5.3

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.5.3:

3.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.5.3

Update - v1.5.1 to v1.5.2

1.Download v1.5.2

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.5.2:

3. Run the migration file via browser. Example link

4.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.5.2

Update - v1.5 to v1.5.1

1.Download v1.5.1

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.5.1:

3.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.5.1

Update - v1.4 to v1.5

1.Download v1.5

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.5: [* means all files and folder]

3.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.5

Update - v1.3 to v1.4

1.Download v1.4

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.4: [* means all files and folder]

3.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.4

Update - v1.2 to v1.3

1.Download v1.3

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.3:

3. Run the migration file via browser. Example link

4.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.3

Update - v1.1 to v1.2

1.Download v1.2

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.2:

3.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.2

Update - v1.0 to v1.1

1.Download v1.1

2. Replace following files/folders taking from v1.1:

3. Run the updater link using any browser. Updater link :

4.Open application/config/my_config.php and update product_version at line:18 to v1.1

Thanks a lot to